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Gov't Assistance for Tassie Exporters

Tasmanian infrastructure minister Rene Hidding has urged his state's exporters to take advantage of the expanded Tasmanian Freight Equilisation Scheme (TFES) which has just come into effect. The expanded scope of the TFES is expeceted to help the apple isle's exporters by expanding the current scheme's coverage by AUD 50m a year. Mr Hidding described the expanded scheme as a "real game-changer" for exporters

"For the first time, eligible Tasmanian goods exported to an international destination via an Australian port will receive assistance of AUD 700 for each TEU," Mr Hidding said. Up until this year Tasmanian businesses could only receive assistance under the TFES if the goods were for consumption on the Australian mainland or if they underwent some value-adding on the mainland before being exported overseas.